Monday, September 30, 2013

Chlorinated Water Implicated in Many Modern-Day Diseases and Disorders

The sole purpose of chlorine in our drinking water is to destroy living organisms. It is very effective.
From the time it is added at the treatment plant until it passes through the water lines and arrives at our tap, it has done it's job. Since we are also living organisms, this chemical  needs to be filtered out of the water before drinking, cooking, or bathing/showering with it.

Problems With Digestion:
Chlorine can weaken or kill many of the good bacteria in the mouth, stomach, and intestines. These bacteria are needed in order to properly digest your food and absorb essential nutrients. This can lead to malnutrition which will eventually weaken the entire body.

Weakened Immune System:
Most of the immune system bacteria are located in the digestive tract, which is harmed by chlorine.

Skin Disorders:
Chlorinated water is very irritating and drying to the skin, leading to eczema, open sores, and infection. It is also easily absorbed through the pores where it enters the bloodstream and eventually ends up in every organ of the body, having the same irritating/drying affect.

Hypothyroidism ( Low Thyroid Function )
Chlorine can block the iodine receptors preventing proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Chlorine has been linked to colon, bladder, and breast cancer.

Respiratory Problems:
Water from a shower head makes a fine mist which is inhaled directly into the lungs.

The following links give more information:

What Will Happen If You Take In Too Much Chlorine

Hot Tub - Chlorine vs. Your Health

Is Your Daily Shower Making You Sick?

Digestive Immunity

Why Raise Your Cancer Risks By Drinking Tap Water?

Chlorinated Tap Water Is Implicated In Hypothyroidism

Is Your Water Safe?

Chlorine And It's Affect On The Immune System

How Does Chlorine In Water Affect My Health

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